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Recruiting UNC Bears

We're excited that you're looking to recruit and hire UNC students. You will find ways to engage with students below, but please also utilize our FAQ to find quick answers to your questions.

  • Posting on Handshake
    1. Log into Handshake
    2. Select "Employer"
    3. Fill out information and click "Sign Up"
    4. Confirm your email address on Handshake
    5. Click "Create New Company"
    6. 注意:如果您是北科罗拉多大学的校园雇主,请使用以下内容 format to name your company: UNC-Office Name (example, UNC-Financial Aid)
    7. Fill out form and click "Create New Company"
    8. Click "Post a Job"
    9. 填写与您的工作相关的所有信息,然后单击“创建”完成。

    If you have questions, you can visit Handshake's Help Center or email Center for Career Readiness office at Career.Readiness@ag6886.com.

    作为皇冠app官方版下载的支持者,你可以让你的在校生或学生来完成这些表格 alum, making it easy to give back and stay productive. Clicking the links to post 一个项目将带你到帕克·杜威平台,并允许你进行编辑 before posting your request.

  • Posting on Parker Dewey

    Parker Dewey 使公司能够利用大学生和应届毕业生完成短期工作 tasks. These assignments are a great opportunity to develop individuals and get some tasks done that your company may have not had quite enough time for. 此外,公司可以识别个人,包括那些来自不同或代表性不足的人 背景,并评估技能,兴趣,以及在招聘之前是否适合 or internship decision.

    You can find help for navigating Parker Dewey's platform HERE or learn how to post a project HERE

  • Career Fairs and Events

    You can find information on our upcoming fairs and events HERE.

  • On-Campus Tabling and Interviews

    如果您有兴趣在校园进行面试,请联系 our team at career.readiness@ag6886.com.

Employer Policies and Guidelines

我们希望所有雇主审查并同意全国大学协会 and Employer Principles for Professional Practice. Employers must have current or anticipated job openings for college graduates or interns. For employers hiring current students, employers must have an “employer-employee” 有薪职位(W-2)的关系,并且没有所需的费用(专业人员除外) licensure fees for career employees). We expect employers adhere to all the federal and state Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)  Laws and Guidelines.

此外,在皇冠app官方版下载招聘的雇主将接受学校的价值观 包括学术诚信、卓越、教与学、思想多元化 and culture, intellectual freedom, and equal opportunity.

所有雇主在校园的招聘活动都必须遵守以下规定 policies. If employers violate any of these policies and/or student complaints are 提交给雇主的投诉,就业准备中心将审查投诉 并保留拒绝组织校园招聘服务的权利 the results of the investigation.  

  • Handshake

    在Handshake网站上发布的工作和实习信息必须准确地显示应聘者的相关信息 positions they represent. As such, employers will be prompted to provide specific 需要他们在Handshake上发布的职位信息,包括但不包括 limited to job or internship title, salary/wage information, and a description of duties. Center for Career Readiness personnel will review the postings and activate them if they meet requirements.

    所有雇主必须通过提供有效的业务证明,证明其为合法组织 姓名,实际地址,电子邮件地址,电话号码(最好是网站)和 name of a contact who can be reached at the listed address(es).  Foreign based businesses may be verified by the U.S. Department of State.

  • Non-Agency In-Home Services

    联合国军司令部不协助征聘国内职位,例如保健职位; childcare, lawn mowing, drivers, private tutors, etc. Instead, you may utilize services such as Care.com, United Way, or Craigslist.

    请注意,我们推荐对国内就业职位感兴趣的皇冠app官方版下载学生 to the websites noted above.

  • Colorado’s Cannabis Industry

    由于联邦资助,大麻行业的组织和代表 没有资格在Handshake上发布皇冠app官方版下载、进行校园面试和参与 in UNC’s career fairs.

  • Third-Party Recruiting Agencies

    我们遵循NACE发布的与第三方机构合作的一般指导方针 in the 职业服务和就业专业人员职业行为原则. 

    We work with third-party agencies that meet the following criteria: 

    • 如果第三方招聘人员提供完整的工作/实习岗位,他们将被允许发布职位 描述为有效的开场白和揭示性质之间的关系 the agency and the employer to career services staff. Although not required to be 包括在张贴本身,它是要求的雇主的名称为 the third party is providing recruiting services be provided to career services. 
    • 第三方招聘人员必须遵守所有联邦和州平等就业机会 laws (Titles VI and IX, and ADA).
    • Charge no fees to candidates.
    • In accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), release candidate information only to the identified employer. Re-disclosure of candidate 没有明确的书面信息,不允许向其他雇主或实体提供信息 consent of the candidate.
    • Provide a position description for a valid opening.
  • Commission-based “1099” Positions
    • 1099职位必须在帖子中包含以下免责声明:“这是1099 position. Persons paid on a 1099 basis are independent contractors and are self-employed. 独立承包人必须支付所有自雇税(社会保障税) & Medicare) as well as income tax. Independent contractors generally do not receive any type of employment benefits from the client. For more information please refer to www.irs.gov or talk with a tax professional.”
    • 不允许采用上门销售模式的公司/组织使用 services and resources provided by the UNC Center for Career Readiness.
    • 该组织应该有培训和持续的支持,包括标记 materials.
    • No non-refundable fees or purchases are acceptable, and no compensation should be focused on recruiting additional individuals to the organization.
    • 该组织不应期望皇冠app官方版下载的学生或校友偿还费用,如果他们 decide to leave the organization.
  • Best Practices and Requirements

    皇冠app官方版下载职业准备中心要求所有希望招聘的雇主 campus connect with our office and adhere to our policies.

    • 雇主必须通过我们的办公室来协调校园参与,包括营销 材料,除非你和老师或工作人员有私人关系 campus who has invited you to their classroom or event. Dropping in unannounced or 使用大学通讯录是不可接受的招聘做法 on campus.
    • 雇主不应该给学生施加压力,要求他们申请某个职位和/或接受 a job offer.
    • It is not acceptable to charge students during the job search or as part of their employment.

Diversity, Equity, and, Inclusion Resources

Our students and alumni value equitable and inclusive work environments. As they research 组织在求职过程中,对雇主来说发展是很重要的 a thoughtful, proactive recruitment and hiring plan. Creating an organizational culture 注重多样性和包容性是一个成功组织的关键组成部分 where employees utilize their strengths and work together. Below are questions to 在制定招聘策略和包容性时,考虑和审查资源 work environment.